बालों की अनेक समस्याओं का एक अनोखा घरेलू उपाय – कढी पत्ते का तेल​

Aaj ke video mein hum banaa rahe hain Kadhi Patte ka Tel, yaani Curry Leaf Oil jo ki ek Herbal Hair oil hai. Yeh ek bahut hi aasaan recipe hai aur iske baalon ke liye anek faayde jaankar aap bhi isey apne ghar par zaroor banayengey.

In today’s video we are preparing Kaddi Patta Oil or Curry Leaf Oil. This is a simple recipe and we are sure that after watching this video and knowing the benefits of Curry leaves you too will want to prepare this recipe at home. kadi patta oil, kadi patta, kadi patta leaves, kadi patta oil for hair, kadi patta oil uses, kadi patta plant, kadi patta benefits, kadi patta oil benefits,

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कढी पत्ते का आयुर्वेदिक तेल​
कढी पत्ता – १ कप​
नारियल का तेल – ४ चम्मच + ३ कप​​
विटामिन E – २ केप्स्यूल​
Curry leaves herbal oil
Curry leaves – 1 cup
Coconut Oil – 4 tbsp + 3 cup
Vitamin E – 2 capsules