10 Reasons to Try Straw Bale Gardening + How To Get Started

Farmers most regularly utilize straw bale gardening for producing food, lots of it, with least effort and cost. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t adjust it for ornamental gardening. Gardeners regularly develop marigolds and some other flowering plants on the straw bales for pest control and for drawing in pollinators.

Planning a flower and foliage garden solely around straw bales is a personal choice, but you have to address the stylish concerns included. Planting the sides or utilizing props may help cover the bales.

Keep in mind that straw bale beds are for the most part useful for annuals because they tend to break after a developing season. You can most likely utilize a few lines of bales at the back of your regular garden beds to have raised beds. They would help increase the vertical appeal of your garden.

Instructions to Start a Straw Bale Garden

Straw bale gardening practically seems like magic. However, there’s a technique to it. Straw has dependably been utilized as a part of garden beds as winter mulch and sometimes as a substrate for developing certain sorts of mushrooms. But, Joel Karsten is credited with creating straw bale gardening as a practical strategy for developing veggies and promoting it with his book Straw Bale Gardens.

Here are couple of things to consider before beginning a straw bale garden

Materials required:

  • Straw

You require straw bales. It can be bales of wheat, oats, grain alfalfa, or rye, but straw is constantly preferred over hay because the last could be full of seeds that would cause a weed issue. Firmly stuffed bales of straw held together with twine are perfect.

  • Compost
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You require some very much decayed compost to begin your plants in. You needn’t bother with a lot, however sufficiently only to fill the holes you make in the bales for planting the seedlings. A pound of compost for each planting hole is more than adequate. However, a few plant specialists utilize a layer of compost on the whole surface of the bale bed.

  • Water

You require a regular supply of water to keep your straw bale plant flourishing. Straw moderates water, so the total water necessity might be lower than you’d need for developing the veggies on the ground, but you ought to guarantee a regular supply.

  • Fertilizers

The straw bales may give a consistent supply of nutrients to the plants as they gradually decompose, but it may not be adequate to support a large number of plants. You can utilize any fertilize as you would ordinarily use in normal gardening. Abuse ought to be kept away from, though.

Here link is provided for YouTube straw bale gardening

What are the important points to be considered to get started-:-:

  1. Choose the area
  2. Condition the straw bales
  3. Plant the straw bales
  4. Watering the bales
  5. Fertilizing
  6. Weeding
  7. Pest and disease control

10 Compelling Reasons To Try Straw Bale Gardening:

  1. Develop your plants anywhere –

It is appropriate for any zone and climate. It has been attempted in the tropical zones and places that fall inside the Arctic Circle. In places with short developing seasons, straw bale gardening helps extend the season by a week or two weeks to start and before winter sets in.

  1. Suitable for any terrain –

The unevenness of the territory or rough outcrops don’t influence the beds as long as you can ensure the bales are steady.

  1. Soil conditions don’t make a difference –
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Whether your soil is poor and sandy or clayey and waterlogged, it doesn’t make a difference. You don’t need to test soil pH or do costly changes.

  1. No reason to till the land –

Straw bale gardening is perfect for the people who love developing, however, hate tilling. You don’t need to such an extent as for break the turf.

  1. No compelling reason to transport soil and compost –

Lugging large amounts of soil and compost to make enough beds to develop veggies is both heavy work and costly. Straw bales are light; they come in slick bundles, they are easy to move and move around. You require a just little amount of fertilizer for beginning the plants in straw bales.

  1. Developing and gathering without stressing your back –

All gardening tasks from planting the bales to checking the development of plants, staking them when essential, weeding, fertilizing, pest control, and harvesting the crop are done at a comfortable height.

  1. Gets rid of containers and development of raised beds –

You don’t have to put resources into containers or wooden planks for building raised beds. Straw bales are considerably less expensive. Despite the fact that you have to get new ones each season, they are recycled toward the end.

  1. Weeding is a breeze –

The few weeds that pop up are quite easily pulled out from the loose medium.

  1. No additionally digging to get your root vegetables –

Root vegetables are effortlessly pulled out when they are prepared. They come out clean and unbroken with no dirt sticking to them. Harvesting potatoes and tomatoes are by simply overturning the bales.

  1. Bumper Crop –

If all the above advantages of straw bale gardening do not engage the obstinate plant to specialize in you, this should make you consider this procedure. All other inputs staying equal with, a minimum 25% increase in the crop is ensured. The higher yield is for the most part attributed to the excellent root run and air circulation the straw bales facilitates.

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Straw bale gardening is compartment gardening, and raised bed gardening moved into one, where the straw bales fill in as the container and also the developing medium. You just stack bales of straw and plant in it. The straw gradually breaks down by the elements and time, with the extra help of plant roots and additional moisture that originates from customary watering.

Growing plants in the straw bales dispense with the requirement for soil as the main necessity is the straw bale, and maybe some compost and potting mix. Since you’ve wiped out soil from the condition, you’ve additionally eliminated the soil borne pests and diseases that can harm the crops when they surpass the sensible level.

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